The condition of Barnala government hospital is bad, patients are worried.



Patients are troubled by poor arrangements in the government hospital of Barnala district of Punjab. Patients have expressed their anger against the hospital management and the government regarding this.

In the only government hospital in the district, people are troubled by the long queues at the prescription counter and medicine counter. Patients said that since there is only one hospital in the district, there are no better arrangements here. There is a shortage of facilities here according to the number of patients.

Patients said that while on one hand the government talks about providing good health facilities by building mohalla clinics, on the other hand there is no proper arrangement even for making prescriptions. To deal with this problem, patients have demanded the hospital administration to open more prescription counters.

Senior Medical Officer (SMO) of the hospital said, there is a problem due to increase in the number of patients since last few days. The department has been asked to increase slip counters and provide computers, this will be improved soon.

The patients who came to the hospital for treatment said that Barnala government hospital is a district level hospital. But there are no facilities in this hospital, due to which the patients have to face a lot of trouble. He said that thousands of people from villages across the district including the entire Barnala city come to this hospital every day for treatment. But there is only one counter for registration of patients in this hospital. Due to which long queues of patients form at the prescription counter.

People said that patients have to stand in queues for several hours to get the prescription made.

Many patients said that they have been standing in these lines since morning to get the slip made, but the hospital administration has not made any arrangement for the patients to get water and protection from the sun. Pregnant women, elderly and disabled people have to face a lot of trouble in the queue. He said that today there is a lot of crowd in the hospital, but there is no arrangement for the patients in the hospital. The already sick patient is becoming more ill instead of being treated in the hospital.

In this regard, SMO of the government hospital, Dr. Tapinderjot Kaushal said that due to the high number of patients in the government hospital, there is a problem in the system. He said that every day around 1500 people are coming to the hospital for treatment. Prescription counters are running in government hospitals and maternal and child hospitals. In view of the increasing number of patients, a demand has been made to provide good computers, so that two prescription counters can be run in both the government hospitals, so that the hospital system can run smoothly and the patients do not face any kind of problem.

Disclaimer: This is news published directly from IANS news feed. With this, the News Nation team has not done any editing of any kind. In such a situation, any responsibility regarding the related news will be on the news agency only.


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