Galaxy Ancient Building New Name: Our Galaxy was created by ‘Shiva Shakti’, German scientists discovered the oldest stars – germanys institute names milky way oldest universe particles shiva shakti all you need to know


There are millions and billions of stars in our galaxy. Gaia Space Telescope is studying them. With the help of this telescope, Germany’s largest scientific institute, Max Planck Institute of Astronomy, has discovered two ancient particles that form the galaxy. They have been named Shiva and Shakti.

The blue dots are Shiva. Yellow dots are power. These two particles together have created our galaxy i.e. the Milky Way. These dots or particles are actually two ancient waves of stars. Who together created the galaxy 200 crore years after the Big Bang. About 1200 crore years ago.

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Shiva and Shakti i.e. the wave of stars with blue and yellow dots are so old that the curved parts of our galaxy were formed only after that. Only after this the galaxy took a spiral shape. Therefore, German scientists named these star waves after Lord Shiva and Goddess Shakti, who created the universe. Together, these two laid the foundation of the galaxy in which we live today.

Galaxy Shiv Shakti

Gaia telescope made a bigger discovery than expected

Max Planck Institute of Astronomy Malhan, a scientist of scientific reputation, said that we are happy that we were able to discover such ancient particles and the belt of stars. Since the birth of these stars, our galaxy has been continuously changing. We are never able to find them in groups. Thank God for the Gaia Space Telescope that helped us.

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With the help of data received from Gaia, Khyati and his team discovered the orbit of this group of stars. Find the elements of their construction. Understand their pace and behavior. Because the group of these two stars i.e. blue colored Shiva and yellow colored Shakti have been formed from a special kind of chemical mixture. That is why they have been named Shiva-Shakti.

Galaxy Shiv Shakti

Shiva and Shakti are the strong threads of our galaxy

Khyati says that in the year 2022, Gaia had taken a picture of the inner parts of the galaxy. Then it was revealed that our galaxy is full of ancient stars. After this, these stars were discovered during the search for ancient elements of the galaxy. Because these stars were divided into two waves. These two waves of stars have different behavior. But both of them together have created our galaxy. After this new stars kept getting added. The galaxy kept rotating.

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Shiva and Shakti are protogalactic fragments, which lie at the heart of our galaxy. The orbit trajectory of both is similar. The mass of each wave is equal to 1 crore suns. All these stars are 1200 to 1300 crore years old. Stars undergo nuclear fusion at their cores throughout their lives. With this they convert hydrogen into helium. After this, helium is converted into heavier elements by fusing it. These later turn into metal.

Galaxy Shiv Shakti

Shiva and Shakti stars together run the heart of the galaxy

These stars were formed at a time when the universe was mostly a group of hydrogen and helium. There was a shortage of metal at that time. When the first batch of stars finished. Then supernovae were formed. These went on spreading throughout the universe. Mixing of metals again started in the second generation stars. The process of birth, death and re-birth of stars continued continuously in space. It is still going on today.

But it is the ancient stars, i.e. Shiva-Shakti, that have kept the heart of our galaxy safe, balanced and controlled. He is constantly walking. There are many similarities between Shiva-Shakti strings, but there are also differences. The wave of power stars far from the heart of the galaxy. Whereas Shiva stars rotate in a circular orbit near it.


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